Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 is intended to promote a culture of openness, by giving you the right of access to recorded information.

Your right to information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows you to access information held by government bodies, including the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex (PFCC).
It defines:
- What information must be made available
- What may be withheld (exemptions)
- How public authorities must respond to requests for information
All public authorities must make information available through a publication scheme. This scheme makes sure that information is available without anyone having to ask for it.
The publication scheme sets out:
- The classes (or types) of information available
- How the information will be published
- Whether any charges apply
You can view our publication scheme here.
- What we are and what we
- Our finances – what we spend
- Our priorities and how well we are doing
- How we make decisions
- Our policies and procedures
- Services we offer
We publish as much information as possible. However, exemptions under the Act may prevent some information being released.
You can request a hard copy of the publication scheme free of charge.
However, when information is not easily available, your request may incur a charge. When this is the case, we will explain the charges and why they apply in advance.
If you can’t find the information you are looking for you may wish to view the Essex Police website or the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service website for their published information or consider whether the information you request would be held by Essex Police or Essex County Fire and Rescue Service as opposed to the PFCC for Essex.
To make a Freedom of Information Act request to the PFCC, please apply in writing to:
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex
Kelvedon Park,
London Road,
Essex, CM8 3HB
or via email to
Please include your name and address, what documents or information you require (giving as much detail as possible) and how you prefer the information to be sent, by post or e-mail.
If you would like a hard copy of our Publication Scheme then please
write to the Chief Executive at the address above or send an
e-mail making it clear which publication you would like. We do not charge for a single hard copy of a publication.
You already have the right to request your personal information from
organisations under the Data Protection Act 1998. The Freedom of
Information Act extends your rights to include all types of non-personal
You can view our Record Retention and Disposal Policy here: 2016-Record-Retention-Disposal-Policy
The Information Commissioner (an independent government appointment) is responsible for making sure that all public authorities comply with the Freedom of Information Act. The Information Commissioner’s job is to help the public access official information and protect personal information held about you.
Visit the Information Commissioner’s website for more information.