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Being open and transparent

The PFCC is required to publish certain information to allow the public to hold them to account. Section 11(1) and (2) of The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 requires an elected local policing body to publish any information specified by the Secretary of State by Order (secondary legislation) and the Elected Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011 (Amendment) Fire and Rescue Authorities 2017.

This includes:

  • Who they are and what they do
  • What they spend and how they spend it
  • What their priorities are and how they are doing
  • How they make decisions
  • What policies and procedures govern the operation of the office of the PFCC
  • Lists & registers

You will find links to the published documents below. 

For police emergencies call 999


For non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online

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