Policing & Crime Performance
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner oversees policing in Essex and is responsible for ensuring the police are effective and efficient and meeting the needs of the communities they serve.

Monitoring Essex Police Performance
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner rigorously scrutinises Essex Police to ensure accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in their operations. Regular boards and audits are conducted, where the PFCC holds the Chief Constable accountable for the force's performance, resource allocation, and adherence to policies. This comprehensive scrutiny ensures that Essex Police operates efficiently and effectively, maintaining high standards of service and public safety.
Essex Police Performance
How Essex Police is performing is updated each month. The performance summary is designed to provide an understanding of how individual districts are performing within each crime type. The report includes tables of data relating to rolling 12 month figures for each district.
Performance and Resources Board
The Performance and Resource Board enables the PFCC to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the force against performance objectives set out in the police and crime plan.
Strategic Board
The Strategic Board provides governance and oversight of Essex Police. This includes oversight of the medium term financial strategy, receiving and scrutinising bid proposals and advising on the management of risk pertaining to the Strategic Transformation Programme.
Conduct & Professional Standards
The Police and Crime Commissioner publishes quarterly reports on Essex Police conduct matters.
For police emergencies call 999
CONTACT THE PFCCFor non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online
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