Policing & Crime Performance
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s boards and committees are organised to support effective decision making and the successful running of both Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.
Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Performance – As part of Roger Hirst’s commitment to openness and transparency, detailed records of the performance of Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are discussed at the relevant Performance and Resources Boards. The records discussed and minutes from the boards are published regularly and can be accessed by clicking below.
Performance and Resource Board (Policing and Crime)
Performance and Resource Board for Fire & Rescue
Please be aware that the performance summary documents are large in size and may take a few seconds to load.
The minutes of the meetings will always refer to the Performance summaries of the previous month. So, as an example, the meeting of February 2017 scrutinised Essex Police performance for January 2017.
Joint Audit Committee
Established to provide independent assurance to the PFCC and the Chief Constable in accordance with the Financial Management Code of Practice.
Decision Making
We want our decision making to be transparent, so whenever a decision is made where there is a significant public interest we publish the reason for that decisions and any supporting evidence.