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The Performance and Resources Scrutiny Board will:

  • Scrutinise, support and challenge the overall performance of the force including against the priorities agreed within the Plan
  • Hold the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the force’s officers and staff
  • Hold the Chief Constable to account for the exercise of the functions of the office of Chief Constable and the functions of the persons under the direction and control of the Chief Constable
  • Advise the PFCC on actions to be taken to maintain an efficient and effective police force for Essex
  • Consider and discuss different themes or subjects for scrutiny, challenge and support
  • Monitor actual revenue spend against budget, and the forecast outturn advising corrective action where appropriate in order to further advance the priorities of the Police and Crime Plan
  • Monitor actual and forecast capital expenditure and resourcing against the approved capital programme advising the Strategic Board on progress achieved
  • Monitor the progress made by the force in delivering planned transformation savings
  • Publish the agenda and minutes to ensure transparency of process of review and scrutiny