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Essex PFCC

The Police and Crime Plan

The Police and Crime Plan sets out the policing priorities and aims for keeping Essex safe. It brings together police, partners and the people of Essex to build safe and secure communities, thereby promoting public confidence in the police and ensuring that victims are satisfied with the service and support they receive.

The commitments set out in the plan build on existing partnerships and seek to develop them in new and ambitious ways.

These include greater collaboration between police and fire and closer working with local councils, community safety partnerships, and the voluntary, community and health sectors.

You can view current and past Police and Crime Plans below

Police and Crime Plan 2024/2028 Final WEB

Older Versions of the plan.

Police and Crime Plan 2021/24

Police and Crime Plan Extension 20/21

Police and Crime Plan 2016/2020

The Fire and Rescue Plan

The Fire and Rescue Plan sets out the priorities for fire and rescue services in Essex and a series of strong, tangible commitments to how we will help keep our communities safe. The plan brings together the Service, partners and the public to build safe and secure communities and offer efficient and effective prevention, protection and response activity.

The plan sets out a clear direction for development of the Service and how, by working closer together with other emergency services and wider partners, we can deliver a better service while being closer to the communities we serve.
You can view the current Fire and Rescue Plan here:

PFCC Fire and Rescue plan 2024 - 2028

PFCC Fire and Rescue Plan single 2024 - 2028