Our Team
We are committed to serving the people of Essex, valuing our relationship with the public and being transparent, honest and trustworthy.
Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer for the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Pippa Brent-Isherwood
Pippa Brent-Isherwood runs the office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner and is also the Monitoring Officer for the OPFCC. Her experience in developing public policy, improving services for vulnerable people, engaging with the public, creating multi-disciplinary teams and her direction of a wide range of front line and back office services is invaluable in helping to implement the priorities the people of Essex want to see delivered by both their police force and fire and rescue service.
Pippa joined the team from the London Borough of Havering, which, under her guidance, became one of the first authorities in the country to integrate adult safeguarding into a hub which brought all safeguarding services under a single umbrella.
Pippa has 13 years’ experience as a senior leader in local authorities across Hertfordshire, Essex and London and a proven track record of listening to and learning from local communities so they have the tools and opportunities to make positive changes in their neighbourhoods.
She said: “I am delighted to join Roger’s team, especially at such a key time when we’ll soon be working with a new Chief Constable at Essex Police and as we embark on creating the new Fire & Rescue Plan in conjunction with the Chief Fire Officer, Jo Turton, following our engagement with the public.
“Roger’s office already supports many local projects to improve the lives of individual communities and help keep people safe. As I have an extensive background in this area, I look forward to helping to increase our reach to more people who would really benefit and to introducing more partnership working to increase efficiency and effectiveness.”
The Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer’s salary is £106,920 pa
Chief Financial Officer and Strategic Head of Performance and Resources – Janet Perry
Janet joined the PFCC in 2020 and is responsible for providing strategic, professional advice and guidance to the PFCC covering all aspects of financial management and performance, including supporting the development and delivery of the overall strategic financial vision and strategy. She manages the PFCC’s commissioning budgets and is responsible for ensuring compliance and maximising value for money, in improving outcomes for victims, offenders and residents. Janet also provides support to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner in exercising oversight of Essex Police’s Professional Standards Department.
Her extensive financial career, includes roles in local and regional NHS organisations, across Essex, the East of England, and London, including her finance director role at Bart’s NHS Trust, the largest trust in England. She also held a national Senior Civil Service post in Whitehall, for the Department of Health, as NHS Chief Financial Controller, advising the Secretary of State for Health and Health Ministers on matters relating to NHS finance and performance. She is well established within the charitable sector, as a trustee and director in organisations providing healthcare and education. Janet is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and Honorary Fellow of the Health Financial Management Association.
The Strategic Head of Performance and Resources’ salary is £81,843 pa
Strategic Head of Partnerships and Delivery – Greg Myddelton
Greg is responsible for the PFCC’s Emergency Services Collaboration Programme; overseeing the implementation of the Local Business Case for Joint Governance, managing the Collaboration programme team, and coordinating the various work streams and projects within the programme. He is also responsible for developing and managing the PFCC’s strategic partnerships with a range of stakeholders to support the delivery of the Police & Crime Plan and other partnership strategies and objectives.
Greg also has responsibility for the PFCC’s in-house Restorative Justice and Mediation service; managing the team and ensuring the service operates effectively and efficiently. Greg manages the Reducing Reoffending and Community Safety function, and the PFCC’s Violence and Vulnerability programme manager within the Essex Violence & Vulnerability Unit; setting the strategic direction for these teams and being accountable for their performance.
Greg is a member of the PFCC’s Senior Management Team (SMT), and as such contributes to the strategic direction of the PFCC including developing policies, strategies, and plans for the organisation.
Greg joined the PFCC’s office in January 2014 having previously worked in the public and private sector in roles including policy and strategy, data analysis, and project management. He was the PFCC’s Assistant Director for Commissioning from January 2014-April 2020
The Strategic Head of Partnership and Delivery’s salary is £72,576 pa
Strategic Head of Policy and Public Engagement – Darren Horsman
Darren is responsible for the PFCC’s Communications and Public Engagement Programme; ensuring the PFCC maintains ongoing communications with a wide range of communities in Essex. Darren and his team run a busy engagement programme delivering over 100 events each year with different partners, communities and organisations. This programme includes regular public meetings across Essex, engagement with children and young people, the Essex business community and the rural community.
Darren and his team also manage all public correspondence, media relations and social media for the Commissioner. He is the PFCC’s Senior Information Risk Owner, is an active member of the Senior Management Team and oversees the PFCC’s policy development framework.
As the Deputy Monitoring Officer, Darren also works close with the Monitoring Officer to provide sound advice to the Commissioner and ensure the office complies with its legal obligations.
Darren joined the team in December 2016 having previously worked in senior communication, marketing, engagement and governance roles in a range of sectors from criminal justice to education. He has worked in local and central government for over 20 years both in the United Kingdom and abroad and has volunteered in governance roles within the education sector for the last 8 years.
The Strategic Head of Policy and Public Engagement’s salary is £72,576 pa

PFCC Diversity Data as at 1/04/2024
Female | 25 |
Male | 8 |
Not Stated | 0 |
Sum: | 33 |
WG | 31 |
DEC | 1 |
Ethnic Minority | 1 |
Not Stated | 0 |
Sum: | 33 |
BAME = Black, Asian and minority ethnic
WG = White Grouped
DEC = Declined to State
N 15
Y 1
Not Stated 17
Sum: 33