The PFCC statutory duties include agreeing the budget for Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) and for overseeing how these budgets are spent.
The PFCC also sets the amount of money you will pay for policing and the fire service as part of your annual council tax bill. These charges are known as the ‘policing precept’ and the ‘fire precept’.

Policing and Fire & Rescue Precept
The policing and fire and rescue precept is the amount we pay as part of our council tax and is used towards paying for local policing and fire & rescue services.
Statement of Accounts
The Statement of Accounts sets out in detail the financial position of Essex Police and its financial performance over the past year. They are prepared in line with strict guidelines on financial reporting, and are published annuall
For police emergencies call 999
CONTACT THE PFCCFor non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online
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