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Policing and Fire & Rescue Service Precept for 2024/2025

Updated 1/3/2024

Essex Police is now the biggest and strongest it has ever been in its 184- year history.

This year’s precept increase will maintain this record strength and support targeted investment to improve the service and help officers be more visible. The precept will also allow Essex County Fire and Rescue Service to drive forward its improvement programme which includes more protection and prevention services and excellent firefighter training.

Our investment programme in Essex Police is working. Since 2016 anti-social behaviour (ASB) is down 71% and burglary is down 43%. In the last year, crime in total is down 6%. We know you want to see crime continue to fall and to see more visible policing.

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service has also made strong progress improving firefighter training, investing in protection services and preventing harm.

We know the current financial situation is difficult and it is important that both services offer value for money.

Both also face increases in costs due to inflation and have worked hard to deliver their services more efficiently identifying combined savings of £12.1 million in the year 2024/25 without having to reduce the service they offer. These savings are not enough to sustain Essex Police at its record strength and the provision offered by Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the Police Precept and Fire and Rescue Precept.

This means that a Band D Council Taxpayer will pay an extra £12.96 per year (5.55%) for policing and an extra £2.34 a year (2.91%) for fire and rescue services – a combined increase of less than 30p a week.

The information above is included in your Council Tax information which is sent to you by your Council Tax billing authority.

This and previous years leaflets are available to download below.