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The Police, Fire and Crime Panel

The Panel is made up of representatives from each of the 14 districts in Essex plus two independent members.

The Panel has the following functions:

  • Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan.
  • Scrutiny of the Annual Report for the police and the Fire and Rescue Statement.
  • Scrutiny of the appointment and dismissal of the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer
  • Scrutiny of the appointment of the OPFCC Chief Executive, OPFCC Chief Financial Officer, Deputy PFCC and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Chief Financial Officer.
  • Reviewing the fire and rescue precept and policing precept proposed by the PFCC with the power of veto.
  • Dealing with non-criminal complaints against the DPFCC and PFCC.

The Panel is required to hold a minimum of four public meetings a year.

The website of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel for Essex, including meeting dates and papers prepared for the Panel by the PFCC, can be found here.

For police emergencies call 999


For non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online

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