Ensure vulnerable people are protected
Our objective is to work with our communities to prevent crime, support victims and ensure that criminals have no place to operate. We will work alongside partners to identify people who are at risk or vulnerable, help them to stay safe and away from a life of crime.

We will…
- Strengthen the shift in main effort towards prevention in both Police and Fire and Rescue Services.
- Work with local authorities to invest in more roles and resources supporting community safety to identify risks and help people to stay safe.
- Work through Community Safety Partnerships, including with the voluntary sector, to better understand and identify people who are vulnerable and at risk.
- Reduce the harm caused by drug use and the misuse of alcohol.
- Through the Multi Agency Action Against Fraud partnership, raise awareness of how to prevent fraud across the communities of Essex.
- Safeguard those most vulnerable to prevent them from becoming repeat victims of fraud.
- Ensure Essex Police and our commissioned services adhere to the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims Code), which sets out the minimum level of services victims can expect from criminal justice agencies.
- Ensure victims are referred to services which are tailored to support their needs.
- Promote and expand the use of Restorative Justice and Mediation Services across the county for all offences, including domestic abuse and sexual abuse incidents, by Essex Police and other criminal justice partners as a proven method to aid recovery for victims and reduce reoffending.
- Work across the criminal justice system to advocate for a reduction in court delays.
- Push for more powers to commission criminal justice services and bring together agencies to improve offender management.
- Support victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, including those subject to sexual exploitation, and continue to promote close working with the UK Border Agency, the National Crime Agency and national and regional partners who support victims and bring perpetrators to justice.
For police emergencies call 999
CONTACT THE PFCCFor non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online
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