More local, visible and accessible policing
We plan to make sure the police are out there when you need them, they deliver an effective response and undertake good quality, appropriate investigations.

We will:
- Help officers to be more visible in communities and increase the quality of investigations by ensuring they have good technology, training and supervision.
- Sustain our commitment to supporting town centre policing, neighbourhood policing, rural policing and working to reduce crimes against businesses. Ensuring they are out on patrol, reducing crime and anti-social behaviour by problem-solving and tackling and preventing crime in our communities.
- Ensure sufficient resources are available to the Force to deal with neighbourhood crime, with a focus on burglary, car theft, drug dealing and shoplifting.
- Support the public to report crime by improving the quality and timeliness of the 101 non-emergency call line, continue to encourage the shift to online reporting options and maintain high standards of crime recording.
- Provide better quality and timely feedback to victims, boosting confidence and improving police legitimacy.
- Grow all forms of volunteering and community engagement, from cadet programmes to becoming a Special Constable.
- Work with rural communities to prevent crime and tackle all forms of rural crime, including hare coursing, unauthorised encampments, equipment theft and fly-tipping.
- Work with the business community to understand the crimes, such as shoplifting, that impact them and how we can work together to prevent these. Tackle violence against shop workers and crack down on the repeat offenders that cause such harm in our communities.
- Maintain the vital role community policing has in understanding communities and gathering intelligence. Local residents and businesses should feel safe speaking to police about any issues.
For police emergencies call 999
CONTACT THE PFCCFor non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online
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