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We want to understand your needs and views on community safety and the services provided by the Commissioner, particularly when the Commissioner works with Essex Police, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and other partners. 

Whether you live or work in Essex, or are visiting friends or family, you may have a view on what crime reduction, community safety and fire and rescue priorities should be, or how Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service should best deliver their services. You may also be able to provide feedback from personal experiences. 

The Commissioner commits to holding a public meeting in each district in Essex every year, where the public are welcome to attend and have their say.  

Find out when the Commissioner will be hosting a meeting in your area.

Engagement Charter Mission Statement:

  • To create a flexible programme of engagement, providing all communities with the opportunity to participate fully and influence the debate and decision making around policing, community safety and fire and rescue services in the county.

Engagement Principles:

  • Our engagement will be open and transparent, ensuring that the police, fire and rescue service, and the PFCC give you relevant and timely information.
  • We will make it as easy as possible to engage with us by holding our activities at accessible places and times, and in the heart of communities across Essex.
  • We will bring you together with the people most responsible for community safety, policing and fire and rescue services in your area.
  • We will use all appropriate methods available to us to deliver information to you and consult with you including online and social media where appropriate.
  • Through our engagement events and activity we will reach out and value the diverse communities of Essex.
  • We will have ongoing relationships providing feedback on what actions have happened as a result of our engagement.
  • More information about when the PFCC will be hosting a meeting in your area.


You can also get involved by volunteering for a role in our office including becoming a Restorative Justice Mediator or an Independent Custody Visitor.

You can find out more on the links below

Independent Custody Visiting - Essex PFCC

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