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We will:

  • Use targeted, data driven activity with a clear evidence base to drive down all crime types through prevention and early intervention.
  • Ensure anti-social behaviour and serious violence (SV) are dealt with more swiftly by increasing targeted hotspot policing.
  • Encourage local leadership of community-led solutions by investing in our Community Safety Partnerships and bringing them together through Safer Essex to share best practice, identify what works and invest in stronger intelligence-led activities.
  • Encourage Community Safety Partnerships to work with charities and other partners to identify and implement best practice.
  • Support the Force to roll out live and retrospective facial recognition equipment to take known offenders off our streets and prevent crime. Develop the use of artificial intelligence to help our officers and staff build stronger cases to take more offenders successfully through the courts.
  • Support effective resource allocation by encouraging the Force to allocate resources most effectively and to encourage the Force to increase the use of crime harm scores to look at concentrations and prevalence of crime and reduce the total level of harm in the county.
  • Work with local authority partners and other community partners to ensure economic vibrancy on the back of safe communities.
  • Work more with schools and young people to build safer communities and offer opportunities for them to develop and contribute, such as Police Cadets.
  • Work with planners and developers to help design out crime and ensure new developments create safe communities.