Tackle violence against women and girls and domestic abuse
How we plan to do this: invest in interventions proven to reduce crime and promote a sense of safety in communities. Work with partners to prevent offending, protect those at risk and bring more perpetrators to justice.

We will:
- Put victims and survivors at the heart of all we do, ensuring support services such as Independent Sexual and Domestic Violence Advisors are tailored to meet their different needs and enable people to build resilience and live safely.
- Work with partners to address forms of abuse that require a tailored response, such as stalking, and work effectively together to target this offending and prevent harm.
- Monitor the use and effectiveness of legislation such as protection orders to manage offenders.
- Increase confidence in policing by promoting a positive culture and ensuring Essex Police exhibit the highest standards of behaviour in relation to women and girls.
To tackle violence against women and girls, we will
- Invest in understanding and delivering evidence-based initiatives that women and girls say will make places be and feel safer for them, including through our Safer Streets Fund.
- Undertake evidence-based educational interventions to prevent violence against women and girls, encourage healthy relationships and give boys and girls the tools to identify and manage risky situations.
To break the cycle of domestic abuse, we will
- Build on our successful Reflect and Change programmes to break the cycle of domestic abuse by working with perpetrators to change their behaviours.
- Work with the Criminal Justice System to ensure it is effective in holding all domestic abuse perpetrators to account and delivering timely outcomes for victims.
- Ensure that all statutory or regulated partners are playing their part in supporting victims of domestic abuse, from housing associations through to probation and prisons.
- Ensure Essex Police support Claire’s Law and respond promptly to requests for disclosure of previous domestic violence offending.
To tackle sexual violence, we will
- Work across the Criminal Justice System to increase the number of cases of rape and sexual assault brought to court or resolved successfully beforehand.
- Use a victim-centred approach to gather evidence and build the case.