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What good looks like:

• A county where every household has a smoke alarm.
• Where new residential and commercial developments are safe and action is taken to keep them safe.
• Where we work together with developers, councils and government to create a planning and development environment which recognises and promotes safety.
• A county where high-risk buildings are identified and inspected according to a risk-based programme.
• Where we take a proactive approach to working with building owners to improve building safety and use our enforcement powers effectively to drive change.
• Where tenants understand and have confidence in the role ECFRS has in keeping them safe and work together with councils, management companies and the wider system to keep buildings safe.
• Where we understand how building safety is impacted by new technology and changes to how we live, such as the increased use of electric vehicles (cars, bikes and scooters). This insight is used to undertake effective preventative work.