Community Safety Development Fund
We are committed to working with our local voluntary and community sector partners to deliver on the ambitions of the Police and Crime Plan to keep our communities safe.
Recognising the value of these groups, and the vital work they do for local communities, Roger Hirst, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex has reopened the 2024/25 Community Safety Development Fund (round 2) on December 1st 2024.
The purpose of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Development Fund (CSDF) is to support local communities, and voluntary and community safety groups to deliver effective approaches to preventing and tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in support of the PFCC’s Police & Crime Plan.
Funding will be allocated in 2 funding rounds. The timescales of these are proposed as;
Round 1 opening 8th July 2024. Closing 1st Sep. 2024
Round 2 opening 1st December 2024. Closing 2nd Feb. 2024
Applications must be completed in full and must be submitted on the CSDF application form via the PFCC’s Office or We aim to make a decision and respond to applicants within 2 months of the closing dates.
Decisions will be made using available evidence that demonstrates the initiative’s likely impact on the PFCC’s priorities. The PFCC uses a panel of independent, local representatives to ensure proposed activity reflects local priorities, links-in with existing commissioned or grant-funded activity, and provides the PFCC with value for money.
The PFCC aims to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of funding across Essex including the unitary authorities of Southend and Thurrock, and between the priorities within the Police and Crime Plan.
The allocation for the 2024-5 Community Safety Development Fund is around £300,000. The PFCC will loosely allocate around 50% of available funding to each round. Applications for PFCC funding in excess of £20,000 are unlikely to be successful.
Funding will be released upon receipt of a signed funding agreement and transferred via BACS. Unless otherwise stated within the funding agreement, grants will normally be restricted to one year from release of funding.
Monitoring and evaluation
Those who are awarded grants are asked to provide formal reports at the conclusion of the project, using the standard report template. Performance information will need to assess and demonstrate impact articulated in the application. Financial information presented will need to demonstrate the funding has been spent on the agreed initiatives within the Funding Application
Some CSDF success stories:
Firebreak Programme
The Essex County Fire and Rescue Service ‘Firebreak Programme’ aims to promote a culture of safety, team work and citizenship by teaching a range of vital life skills while undertaking the various disciplines of the Fire Service. The scheme is part funded by the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and provides a learning environment that combines practical skills and scenario based training.
Sue Pell – Essex Girls and Boys Club
The Essex Boys and Girls Clubs provide safe environments for young people to gather, away from the threat of drugs, alcohol or crime. Their ethos is engaging young people in adventurous activities, sports and arts to foster a positive impact on their lives. You can watch the video to learn more about the fantastic work Sue and her colleagues do.