Your Commissioner & Deputy
Roger Hirst
“For me, safe and secure communities are the bedrock on which we build success and prosperity. Good policing means our residents feel secure and safe in their homes and on Essex streets.”

Roger Hirst was first elected as the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex in May 2016 and has since been elected for a third term in May 2024. He became the first Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in the country in October 2017.
Roger’s core belief that safe and secure communities are the bedrock on which we build well-being and prosperity for all, remains central to his vision for making Essex safer. A strong advocate of prevention, partnership and people, Roger has worked hard to build a foundation of collaborative working between emergency services, local authorities, councils, the voluntary sector and communities in Essex, believing we can do more and achieve more together.
A long-standing member of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioner’s Board and Finance Lead for Police and Crime Commissioner’s nationally, Roger led the successful campaign to secure additional funding for policing and achieved the target of recruiting an additional 905 Essex Police officers in March 2023, making the force the biggest in its 185-year history.
Over the next four years Roger’s ambition is to see crime cut by 40 per cent in Essex through continuing investment in local policing, using data driven activity to target known hotspots and providing early intervention to identify and protect vulnerable people.
Prior to his election as Commissioner, Roger was Cabinet Member at Essex County Council with responsibility for Community Safety. He was also Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council and has 33 years’ experience as a senior investment banker.
Mr Hirst became the first Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in October 2017 and continues to work nationally and locally to build stronger links between emergency services and help create more secure communities.
Prior to his election as Commissioner, Mr. Hirst was Cabinet Member at Essex County Council with responsibility for Community Safety; Deputy Leader of Brentwood Borough Council; and has 33 years’ experience as a senior investment banker.
Roger Hirst’s salary is £91,600 pa
To view the PFCC’s disclosable interests, expenses, gifts and hospitality, please click here.
Oath of Office
I, Roger Hirst of Brentwood, Essex do solemnly and sincerely promise that I will serve all the people of the boroughs of Southend-on-Sea, Thurrock and Essex County Council in the office of police, fire and crime commissioner without fear or favour.
I will act with integrity and diligence in my role and, to the best of my ability, will execute the duties of my office to ensure that the police and fire and rescue service do all they can to protect the public and keep them safe.
I will give a voice to the public, especially victims and work with other services to ensure community safety and aid effective criminal justice.
I will take all steps within my power to ensure transparency of my decisions, so that I may be properly held to account by the public.
I will not seek to influence or prevent any lawful and reasonable intervention, rescue, investigation or arrest, nor encourage any action save that which is lawful and justified within the bounds of this office.
Jane Gardner
“As a lifelong resident of Essex, I feel hugely proud and very privileged to serve as the Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.”

Jane supports the PFCC in the development of policy and strategy regarding policing and fire and rescue. She helps to identify and deliver solutions for the challenges faced by Essex, building ever stronger bonds with local authorities, the voluntary sector and the people of Essex. She works closely with local people and with key local agencies to help develop and deliver strong and safe communities, and ensure everyone feels they can contribute to identifying, developing and delivering local solutions.
Having worked with communities across Essex for many years for the County Council and through seven years’ experience serving as a Special Constable with Essex Police, Jane brings a range of experience to the role.
Jane helps the PFCC maintain an effective and efficient police service and deliver an effective and efficient fire and rescue service. She has helped deliver the ambitious programme of police transformation and supported the closer collaboration with Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.
Jane Gardner’s salary is £81,937 pa
To view the DPFCC’s disclosable interests, expenses, gifts and hospitality, please click below.
For police emergencies call 999
CONTACT THE PFCCFor non emergencies call 101 - if unable to report online
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