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Essex PFCC

Posted 21st November 2024

Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (DPFCC) Jane Gardner has been recognised for her extraordinary 42 years of public service in Essex. She was presented with the special award at the Essex Police Long Service and Good Conduct awards evening on Thursday, November 7th, 2024.

Joining Jane in receiving accolades was Pippa Brent-Isherwood, Chief Executive of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Office, who was honoured for her 20 years of dedicated service in the public sector.

Jane and Pippa were presented with their awards by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst and Deputy Lord Lieutenant Simon Brice at the event, which celebrated the outstanding contributions of Essex Police officers and staff.

PFCC Roger Hirst said: “Both Jane and Pippa have undoubtedly made a difference to the communities of Essex. As Chair of safer Essex, Pippa has worked tirelessly to bring partners together to help make our county safer.

“Jane has likewise contributed through her many years as a public servant including her time as a Special Constable, as my Deputy since 2016 and through her role as the Chair of the Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Partnership.”

“Their commitment, exceptional contributions, and unwavering dedication are appreciated across partners and the public alike, as is their ability to get things done. On behalf of the people of Essex, I would like to thank them for all that they do.”

Essex Police Long Service and Good Conduct Award

The Essex Police Long Service and Good Conduct award is given to police officers and staff who have served for 20 years of “pensionable” or “approved” service. The award recognises long and meritorious service, as well as good character and high standard of conduct. There is also additional recognition for 30 and 40 years of service.