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Essex PFCC
The Essex Police Challenge is a key part of how Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, holds the Chief Constable of Essex and his senior team to account on behalf of the people of our county. You can watch a video recording of the event held on July 2, 2014, in the Balmoral Community Centre, Westcliff-on-Sea, presented in five chapters concentrating on the main sections of the meeting, below. To navigate between the five sections, please click on the Playlist option at the top of the video screen. The slides that the Chief Constable refers to can be viewed by clicking on the link near the bottom of the page.   1 Meeting starts & update on Colchester murders Nick Alston, Police & Crime Commissioner for Essex, introduced Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh, Lindsay Whitehouse, Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner for Essex, and thanked the audience for attending. After an introduction about how the meeting would unfold, the Chief Constable updated the audience about the murders of James Attfield and Nahid Almanea in Colchester.  2 Performance update Chief Constable Kavanagh provided an overview of key elements of Essex Police performance, and crime trends in our county, with a particular focus on Southend. This was followed by questions from the PCC and the audience.  3 Local policing plans Chief Constable Kavanagh outlined the force’s local policing plans, with specific emphasis on what they would mean for the Southend area. There was much debate about the future of Neighbourhood Action Panels and the proposed new meetings between Essex Police and local communities to be led by a Sergeant or above.  4 Summer policing demand Chief Constable Kavanagh explained the increase in demand for policing services (incidents, crimes, ASB) during the summer months across the county, but particularly in areas such as Southend and Tendring.  5 Questions from the audience An open and wide ranging question and answer section with the Chief Constable, PCC and Deputy PCC.  The Chief Constable’s slideshow presentation can be seen here:  Essex Police Challenge Chief Constable Presentation 020714 Essex Police performance figures to the end of May 2014 can be found here: Essex Performance Summary May 2014