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Essex PFCC
Essex Police has been rated as ‘good’ at how legitimately it keeps people safe and reduces crime. Key findings from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) report on legitimacy, on Tuesday, December 12, include:
  • The force is good at treating the people it serves with fairness and respect and these values are reflected in the force’s policies.
  • It is good at ensuring its workforce behaves ethically and lawfully and treats its workforce with fairness and respect
  • The force is good at scrutinising its activities and independent advisory groups provide effective external scrutiny
  • It is good at scrutinising its comprehensive stop and search date and other data linked to the use of coercive powers
Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said: “This is another positive independent inspection result on the legitimacy of Essex Police by HMICFRS. As well as achieving a “good” rating overall the report also notes that the “solid foundations” identified in the 2016 HMICFRS have been built on with sustained good progress being made. “Overall the force was seen to have a strong value based approach that uses independent advisory boards and external scrutiny to help improve its performance. It regularly seeks feedback from staff, victims and communities and sets out clear plans for implementing suggestions from these changes. “Members of the public should be reassured by this report and the fact it shows that Essex Police treat people fairly and respectfully.  While there are some suggestions for improvement around referral of complaints and providing updates to complainants in line with IPCC guidance the report overall shows a force achieving a good standard and maintaining positive improvement.” Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh said: “Policing by consent is the underpinning philosophy of British policing and in Essex we strive continuously to ensure we treat people fairly and with respect and put victims at the heart of everything we do. “The report demonstrates that we operate with a strong ethical culture, setting very clear expectations for how we treat our communities and our colleagues. “However we are not complacent there is more to do, as we constantly look at how we can improve the service we provide to protect and serve the county.”