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The Ministry of Justice is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the Victims Code, so victims have a better understanding of their rights.

The Victims’ Code clearly sets out what victims can expect from the criminal justice system, including the level of support they are entitled to.

Research shows that while young adults are more likely to be victims of violent crime, too many are unaware of their rights, with just one in five victims having heard of the Victims’ Code.

Who delivers the Victims’ Code?

Criminal justice agencies are responsible for ensuring that victims receive the rights outlined in the Victims’ Code. These agencies are expected to inform victims about their rights throughout the criminal justice process.

Can I get more support as a victim of crime?

Victims who are under 18 years of age, considered vulnerable, have been intimidated or repeatedly targeted, or are victims of serious crimes may be eligible for enhanced rights. These enhanced rights include referrals to specialist support services, timely updates after key decisions, and additional support for giving evidence in court.

How can I find out more?

The Victim and Witness Information website provides comprehensive details about victims' rights and what to expect at each stage of the criminal justice process, from reporting the crime to the police investigation, court proceedings, and post-trial support. The website also offers information on how to access local and online support services. You can access the website here: Your rights as a victim of crime – Victim and Witness Information

Further Information

The ‘Understand Your Rights’ Victims’ Code campaign raises awareness of the Victims’ Code and highlights that it is there for every victim, whatever the crime. For more information about victim’s right, please visit the Victim Support website Your rights - Victim Support