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New and established projects to enhance community safety were viewed by Jane Gardner, Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

The Deputy PFCC visited the town centre on Wednesday 9th October to learn how more than £1m of PFCC Safer Streets funding and ASB hotspot funding since 2022 was being invested in the town.

Jane was accompanied on her tour by Cllr David King, Leader of Colchester City Council, partner organisation in the Colchester Community Safety Partnership, and the two discussed future projects and funding while touring the town.

The Deputy PFCC and Council Leader recorded a short video containing their thoughts on collaboration to drive down crime and anti-social behaviour in the town, which can be viewed here: Deputy PFCC Jane Gardner visits Colchester (

They were joined by members of the Essex Police’s Colchester Town Team and town centre community safety wardens, who were happy to show Jane strategies to keep town residents, businesses and visitors safe.