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The London Bus Theatre Company is working with young people on Canvey who feel there is an increase in incidents and trouble involving e-scooters.

The theatre company provides drama workshops on issues such as bullying, drugs, alcohol and antisocial behaviour.

It also gives vulnerable young people on Canvey the opportunity to get involved in the creation of short films, sparking conversations around hard-hitting topics.

The PFCC contributed £6,870 to London Bus Theatre Company in the form of a crime and disorder reduction grant from the 2023-2024 Community Safety Development Fund to support the latest project.

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), said: “The work going on in Canvey to not only give young people a positive focus in their spare time, but to also raise awareness of an area of anti-social behaviour is commendable. The fact that this project is guided by the young people themselves who are keen to spread productive messages is a testament to the positive role models they are being provided with by The London Bus Theatre Company.”

The latest project sees sixty 13 to 17-year-olds work together to script, film, produce and even act in the film which will be shared across social media and in schools.

Working with Essex Police and filming at Morrisons and the skatepark next to Waterside Leisure Centre, the group will look to raise awareness of the antisocial behaviour and incidents surrounding e-scooters in the area.

Kathy Austen, project manager, said: “We are hearing about a lot of incidents involving e-scooters on Canvey, from anti-social behaviour to dangerous driving. When we were producing our last short film focusing on shoplifting, the young people we work with said e-scooters are becoming a problem in the area.

“We thought we would use this next film as an opportunity to raise awareness of the law around using e-scooters and the dangers involved.”

The organisation works with professional filmmakers to give the young people real-life experience of working in the film industry.

Some have gone on to secure acting roles thanks to the theatre company’s contacts.

Kathy said: “The young people we work with are going to have their confidence boosted by taking part in this project, as well as gaining life and communication skills while making new friends.”

The film will be available to be screened in schools and on social media at the end of the year.

Of the PFCC funding, Kathy said: “We are really grateful for the funding as it keeps all of this afloat and means we can carry on working on Canvey doing great work with young people.

“You see anti-social behaviour when young people do not have enough to do. Canvey is a very heavily populated island. We are offering good quality activities where there are also employment opportunities as lots of young people get work through us.”

You can see the finished version of the film here.

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