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A football tournament for young people, supported by the PFCC Essex, Active Essex and Essex Police is now open for teams to register.

The Essex Community Goals Football Tournament, for 12-13 olds is taking place on Saturday 12th July, 2025, at the Essex Police College, St Margarets Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6DT.

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said: “We’re pleased to support this sporting event for young people - in the Police and Crime Plan 2024-2028 the PFCC stated its aim to work with young people to build resilience and strengthen those factors which are known to prevent and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in communities across Essex.

“This event is also a great opportunity to engage with young people about community safety. It’s going to be an excellent event and we are really looking forward to the day.”

The tournament is a 7-a-side tournament with a maximum of 10 players per team. Teams can be single or mixed gender.

To register email:

All teams must be registered before 13th June 2025.