PFCC welcomes the amended Highway Code

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex welcomes the amended Highway Code and will continue to promote safety on our roads. In Essex, we are all working towards reducing deaths and serious injuries caused on our roads. This is in line with Vision Zero which is the ambitious initiative to achieve zero road deaths in the county in the next 20 years.
From the 29th of January, the amended Highway Code came into force. It introduced a new hierarchy of road users to ensure drivers take more responsibility for the safety of all road users, and in particular, the safety of vulnerable road users – children, pedestrians, disabled or elderly people, cyclists and horse riders.
Some of the new rules include but are not limited to:
- At a junction, motorists, horse riders and cyclist should give way to pedestrians
- Cyclists should give way to pedestrians on shared-use cycle tracks
- Pedestrians can use cycle tracks unless indicated otherwise
- Drivers and motorcyclists should not cut across cyclists at junctions, lanes or when changing directions