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Essex PFCC
At the Police and Crime Panel meeting of Thursday January 29, 2015, Nick Alston proposed an increase in the precept, the portion of council tax used to fund policing and community safety, of 1.99 per cent. This represents an increase of about six pence per week for a Band D property. The Police and Crime Panel supported the 1.99 per cent increase by eleven votes to four. Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said: “The Police and Crime Panel considered my proposal to increase the portion of council tax used to fund policing by just under two per cent, and asked a number of rigorous questions. I welcome their scrutiny, which is an important part of ensuring that major decisions about the policing of our county are conducted openly and transparently. I also welcome their decision to approve the proposal. “The independent inspectorate has found that Essex Police is one of the leanest and most efficient forces in the country, and we pay less in council tax for our policing than almost any other county. Whilst I regret having to seek this increase in the precept, I believe - facing significant cuts in central government funding - it is the responsible thing to do to help preserve strong and effective policing in Essex.” --------------- A longer piece setting out the rationale for the increase in the policing precept can be read here.