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Essex PFCC
At the end of National Volunteers Week, Roger says a huge thank to you everyone who volunteers across Essex, each one playing a key role in helping to keep the county safe not just during these times of COVID-19 but every day of the year. Roger has a weekly briefing with Kit Malthouse MP, Minister for Policing and the Fire Service. He also receives regular updates from leaders from Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.   Transcript below:
“Hello. I’m Roger Hirst, your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. This week’s been National Volunteers Week. Volunteers make a huge difference and I want to say a big thank you to you all. This year, in fact, more than ever, those who give up their time to help others have shown how invaluable they are, in fact you are! Without you we wouldn’t be able to provide the significant public services that help keep people safe, and even more importantly it is through volunteering and the work that you do that we create the communities we want to live in. You bring our services closer to people and create the community spirit that has shone so brightly in these difficult times. I’ve heard some amazing stories of how people across Essex have stepped up to volunteer their skills in different ways and those who have already been volunteering have been creative and offered their services to help people in different ways to ensure vital support and help is available to those who need it. For example, since last April our hard-working, 40 Restorative Justice volunteers have logged over 900 hours of service and have completed 63 successful outcomes for cases they have been involved with. Whether you are one of our own PFCC volunteers working in restorative justice, custody visiting, dog welfare or volunteer for Essex Police or Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, or you volunteer through a faith group to help those in need, or you are a Neighbourhood Watch or Community Speedwatch volunteer, this is a personal thank you from me on behalf of the people of Essex who you assist so much. Before I finish, I would just like to remind you we still all need to do all we can to Stay Alert, Control the Virus & Save Lives. It’s back to school and back to work but remember stay at home when possible, if you can’t work from home keep two metres apart or use gloves and a face covering, keep washing your hands regularly in soap and water, keep self-isolating if you or anyone in your household has symptoms, support local businesses and most importantly, keep looking out for each other. Thank you so much.”