Decision making (Fire and Rescue)
Explaining why decisions are made: we want our decision making to be transparent, so whenever a decision is made where there is a significant public interest we publish the reason for that decision and any supporting evidence required to understand it.

Decisions regarding the Fire and Rescue Service made before April 2024 can be found here: Decision making (Fire and rescue) – 2017/2018 – 2023/24 – Essex Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (
Explaining why decisions are made
We want our decision making to be transparent, so whenever a decision is made where there is a significant public interest we publish the reason for that decision and any supporting evidence required to understand it.
Decisions regarding the Fire and Rescue Service made before April 2024 can be found here: Decision making (Fire and rescue) – 2017/2018 – 2023/24 – Essex Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (