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Essex PFCC

The Board has been established to enable the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (“the Commissioner”) in hisrole as the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority (“the Authority”) to:

  1. Provide governance and oversight of the Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Transformation Programme.
  2. Be the primary advisor to the Commissioner for the decisions that they are required to make in respect of the Strategic Transformation programme.
  3. Ensure that the Strategic Transformation Programme delivers effectively against the medium and long-term strategic objectives of the Authority.
  4. Ensure that the Strategic Transformation Programme is public facing and reflects the wider public of Essex.
  5. Support alignment between the Strategic Transformation Programme and other public sector transformation and collaboration programmes across greater Essex.
  6. Be the primary advisor to the Commissioner on the Integrated Risk Management Plan.
  7. Provide strategic oversight of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
  8. Provide strategic oversight on the key Asset Management Strategies for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Estates, and Fleet and Equipment.
  9. Provide strategic oversight to the capital programme.
  10. Be the advisory body to the Commissioner for ensuring that the shape, scope and content of the capital programme is in compliance with the work of the Strategic Board.
  11. Receive and scrutinise project bid proposals and amendments for the Commissioner’s recommendation.
  12. Receive and scrutinise the capital disposals plan.
  13. Facilitate financial governance relating to the capital programme in support of the Strategic Transformation Programme.
  14. Advise on the management of strategic risks pertinent to the Strategic Transformation programme.