55 representatives of county partners attend PFCC Rural Crime Summit

Posted 9th December 2024
Wildfires, flytipping and emergency response were among the topics discussed at a multi-partnership summit focusing on rural crime.
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Rural Crime Summit was hosted on Friday 6th December at Whitbread’s Farm, near Chelmsford, an event with the express purpose of focusing on how Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and Essex Police can work together with partners to best serve the county rural community.
Over 55 representatives from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Essex Police and county, district and parish councils in Essex attended the event, along with Essex MPs Sir Bernard Jenkin and James Cleverly, Dep Chief Constable Andy Prophet and Essex County Council Climate Czar Cllr Peter Schwier.

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, spoke at the event.
Mr Hirst said: “In the past 12 months, rural crime has decreased by 3.3% and theft of rural, agricultural and construction equipment has decreased by 8.8%. Hare Coursing is down 23%. Our strategy is working, but we can do more and that is the point of today, how do we target resources to further meet the needs of our rural communities.”
The summit saw presentations from Essex Police’s Rural Engagement Team, a presentation on the increasing incidence of wildfire in the countryside from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and a discussion of how all partners can work together to combat flytipping in rural Essex.
To view a video of the summit, visit the PFCC’s YouTube channel: PFCC Rural Crime Summit 6 December 2024 – YouTube