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The independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers has launched a campaign to get Essex residents to share what they know about any burglaries or stolen goods - and they could even get a cash reward. The campaign started with special Christmas postcards being put through letterboxes of homes and continues into January with bus shelters, Facebook adverts, Bluetooth messaging, radio adverts and an ad-van touring the county. It will be in Castle Point and Rochford districts on January 6, Chelmsford and Maldon districts on January 7, Tendring district on January 8 and Epping Forest and Brentwood districts on January 9.  Ann Scott, Eastern Regional Manager for Crimestoppers, said: “Those that do not want to speak with Essex Police on 101 can use the Crimestoppers 24 hour phone number of 0800 555 111 where they can give information about crime 100% anonymously. Information can also be given online via a secure form at People often ask me why someone would not contact police if they knew about a burglary or someone handling stolen goods. Sometimes, the offer of a reward can bring someone forward, but generally it’s the sense of wanting to make their community safer without having to reveal their identity. If a criminal is operating down your street it can be a real concern for people that the criminal might find out what they have done – Crimestoppers removes that concern and gives people peace of mind”.  The appeal by the charity follows a crackdown on burglary in the county by Essex Police.  Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, has funded this Crimestoppers campaign.   Lindsay Whitehouse, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said: “Victims of burglary not only suffer a loss of property but suffer from an acute sense of violation and trespass in their home.  This initiative is intended to identify those who commit this appalling crime and bring them to justice.  Anyone with important information should contact this telephone number. They can be safe in the knowledge that their anonymity will be protected.  I hope that the whole community can unite to help Essex Police arrest these criminals and save more people from the dreadful experience of becoming a victim of crime”.  Stuart Rawlins, Chairman of Essex Crimestoppers added: “Being burgled is not just about losing possessions, it also robs you of feeling safe in your own home. People should be able to feel secure and confident in their own homes. No one has anything to fear by contacting Crimestoppers as you will remain anonymous – no personal information is taken. Calls are not traced or recorded and you will not have to go to court or give a statement to the police. In the 25 years that Crimestoppers has been running we have never broken our promise of anonymity”.  Crimestoppers plays a significant part in the fight against crime. One thousand people every day contact the charity to put their trust in them with information about crime which leads to 22 arrests every day being made by police as result of that information.  Members of the public are eligible to claim a reward of up to £1000 if their information given to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 leads to a successful arrest and charge. They can also complete a ‘giving information’ form on the Crimestoppers website  but rewards cannot be claimed this way.