PCC scrutiny of Essex Police performance

As part of Nick Alston’s commitment to openness and transparency, detailed summaries of Essex Police performance records and scrutiny meeting minutes can be read at the following links.
Please be aware that the performance summary documents are large in size and may take a few seconds to load.
Please also note that the minutes of the meetings will always refer to the Performance summaries of the previous month. So, as an example, the meeting of February 2014 scrutinised Essex Police performance for January 2014.
March 2014 Minutes
Performance Meeting Notes 270314
Essex Police Performance Summary April 2013 - March 2014
Essex Police Performance Update March 2014
February 2014 Minutes
Performance Meeting Notes 270214
Essex Police Performance Update February 2014
Essex Police Performance Summary Update February 2014
January 2014 Performance Summaries
Essex Police Performance Summary April - January 2014
Essex Police Performance Update January 2014
January 2014 Minutes
The minutes from the PCC’s scrutiny meeting can be seen below:
Performance Meeting Notes 20140109 FINAL
December 2013 Performance Summary Reports
Essex Performance Summary December 2013
Essex Police PCC Report to December 2013
April to November 2013 Performance Summary Reports
Essex Police Performance Summary April - November2013 V2 FINAL
Essex PCC Report to November 2013 20140109 v2 FINAL