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Essex PFCC
Elder abuse has been thrown in the spot light in recent years – with investigations in to elder care revealing shocking abuses of trust. In 2013/14 there were 104,050 cases nationally in which concern was raised about the abuse of an adult – 63 per cent of these involved victims of the age of 65. Elder abuse is a problem in the UK. It can be physical, emotional, financial or a case of neglect; and it can happen anywhere – whether it’s the victim’s own home, a care home, a hospice or sheltered accommodation. It’s an issue that we all want to see stamped out but not everyone feels comfortable reporting it – that could be because the abuser is a friend or relative or someone who should be in a position of trust. But we have been trying to break down the barriers and believe that anonymous reporting may be the key to encourage more to speak up. In February this year Crimestoppers joined forces with Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, Nick Alston, to tackle the issue. Together they launched a trial of the first ever anonymous reporting line for elder abuse 0800 032 7644. If it’s a success, they hope to see it rolled out across the country in the future. The number was officially launched on February 26 at the Age Concern Day Centre in Chelmsford by Crimestoppers CEO Mark Hallas and Nick Alston.