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There is some good news about Corringham Police Station but there have also been some entirely well-intentioned misunderstandings.  Given this, I feel it is important to ensure that the situation is explained in detail. I am delighted that we have been able to work with Thurrock Council and the Youth Offending Service to ensure that the building will be still part of the community safety network.  I would like to thank everyone involved in making this happen. The headline news is that Thurrock’s Youth Offending Service will be leasing the building for the next few years, and delivering much of their crucial work from there.  Local police officers will also able to use the building as a base when patrolling, and at other times.  However, there will not be a public front counter run by police officers or police staff at the building. Essex Police faces a further reduction in total budget of around £36 million a year by March 2017, and there is significant pressure on police resources. It is crucial that police officers are able to respond to crime as it happens, and also to work with local people to address and solve longer term or ongoing crime and Anti-Social Behaviour incidents.  By providing officers with Mobile Data Terminals, modified laptops with excellent access to police systems and other crucial information, they can stay out in our communities responding to and dealing with crime on the ground.  If a police officer is stuck behind a front counter, their ability to respond to incidents or deal with ongoing issues is severely constrained. I am a firm believer in the concept of community hubs, where members of the public can visit a single location in their area and access a range of public services, such as social care, health care or police services.  I am encouraging Essex Police, our councils and unitary authorities, and partner agencies, to consider establishing community hubs where possible across our county. To report a crime in progress or an emergency, you should always call 999.  If you wish to report a non-emergency incident, please call 101.  If you have information about criminal behaviour, you can report this anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.